A diversion from my usual family and newborn blog postings…
Ahhhh, I am about to have a 10 year-old boy in my house. How did that happen when I can so clearly remember first holding him? He was perfect at 8.5 lbs, with a head of blond hair already combed into place! He is still perfect (to me at least, or sometimes at least), still has the blond hair, no where near combed, but he is a boy heading into double digits! Even though I wasn’t a professional photographer when he was born, or for most of his life, I was always taking his picture. Of course now that I have better equipment, have an idea of what I am doing behind the camera, his hand will cover his face as soon as I lift the camera to my eye (even during school concerts when he is far away from me – I guess he watches me as much as I watch him) in order to stay out of my frame.
I think I am driving my husband crazy by constantly reminding him that we will have a 10 year-old soon, and how did that happen. I must have gotten this from my mother, she always loved to celebrate my birthday, would call my dad on my birthday (they were divorced) to talk about the day I was born and on and on. But seriously, 10! The days of having a little boy in the house are gone (even my 7 year-old is maturing before my eyes), soon their will be girls calling, hanging out with friends instead of playdates, shaving, and who knows what else. Thankfully I still get to hug and kiss him and he doesn’t usually mind, except when I squeeze too tight, he still will cuddle with me, and he still loves to share his days with us!
So happy, happy birthday to my soon to be 10 year-old. Thank you for making these last 10 years to wonderful. I am so glad I am your mother! I LOVE YOU!
Of course I have to add a photo into the blog. This is when he was 1 year-old, and at his favorite place, where later that summer he took his first steps while in the ocean. I also want to remind all those parents out there that they grow up fast and to get those memories captured!
And this one playing hard this year on his lacrosse team!
It really does fly by!
Happy Birthday!!! Time does go by way to fast!
Thank you!
Happy birthday to your baby! 🙂
Thank you! 10 so grown up now, which of course means I need to grow up too.